Who We Are

I am Bala, founder of Herstory in China, a community focused on empowering women and minorities through Web3 technology. Established in 2022 with four professionals, including developers Lisy and Jiaxin, and designers Aran and Jocelyn, we began by hosting local events in Guangzhou, China. Our growing team now includes designer Xiao Ming, content manager Bobo, community manager Zoe, event organizer Sijin, and marketing manager Yuan. Our community has quickly expanded, now encompassing over 200 active members.

Our Project

Our initiative, the Women's Exclusive Web3 Novice Camp - Women’s Web3 Wave, is centered on conducting educational workshops and events to enhance Web3 literacy among women. These sessions not only focus on technical skills but also facilitate the exchange of feminist ideas and the strengthening of our community network.

We aspire to do more than just increase participation. Our goal is to empower women to become proficient Web3 developers. By introducing foundational Web3 concepts like Ethereum, we aim to equip novice participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to seize opportunities and spearhead their own projects in the Web3 domain. Furthermore, we are committed to promoting and supporting women-led projects, leveraging the collective strength of our community.

In our inaugural year, we are setting a milestone to integrate over 50 women into the Web3. Our dedication lies in nurturing their capabilities and championing their ventures, helping to shape a more inclusive and diverse digital ecosystem.

Our Purpose

The Web3 industry, encompassing the metaverse, blockchain technologies, and cryptocurrencies, is at the forefront of the digital world's future. Yet, it confronts a critical challenge: the stark underrepresentation of women among its founders and investors. Highlighted in a study by BCG X and People of Crypto Lab, which analyzed nearly 2,800 participants globally, it is evident that women's involvement in Web3 founding teams is minimal – only 13% include a woman, and a mere 3% are exclusively female (exhibit). The funding disparity is further underscored by the finding that all-male teams raise nearly four times the capital of all-female teams (exhibit). A comprehensive study by Bitget further reveals alarming gender disparities in blockchain startup funding.

In China, the Web3 gender gap is even more pronounced, exacerbated by widespread workplace discrimination and economic challenges. Many Chinese women are seeking new avenues for professional and personal growth, with Web3 presenting a promising opportunity. However, barriers such as language and stereotypes about women's aptitude for technology have limited their participation. Herstory recognizes the urgent need to address these challenges. Our project, a women-exclusive Web3 novice camp, is designed to propel women into the Web3 sphere, overcoming obstacles and empowering them to showcase their talents. Through this initiative, we're not just enriching the ecosystem with diverse talents and perspectives; we're reshaping its structure and impact. Our goal is to ensure the growth of Web3 mirrors the diversity and dynamism of its community, establishing a balanced representation.

Our Implementation Plan

Evidence-Based Approach

Herstory's initiatives are grounded in a solid foundation of research spanning technology, gender studies, and education. Our strategies are informed by key findings in these areas:

Steps and Methodology

Herstory is dedicated to enhancing the presence and influence of women in the Web3 sphere. We are launching targeted initiatives designed to educate and actively engage women in this rapidly evolving domain. Our approach combines imparting practical Web3 knowledge with hosting various feminist-themed events, unfolding as follows:

  1. Web3 Novice Camp for Women