GCC 申请稿 - 影响力版本

Herstory - 以女性之手执笔书写历史 - for GCC meeting



Herstory社区成立于2022年4月, 受Zuzalu和山海坞启发,经社区讨论决定,将社区开放,重心从技术&产品转向教育&社区,为女性提供学习,就业和创造的友好环境,凝聚女性Web3力量,在不重蹈覆web2的辙的基础上,建设一个全民有好的数字世界。

根据BCG 2023年调查,Web3领域的性别差距仍然显著:仅13%的创始团队包含女性成员,女性创始人比例更低,仅为7%。在顶级Web3创业公司中,女性员工占比27%,而技术岗位中仅有12%的女性。


According to a BCG 2023 survey, the gender gap in the Web3 field remains significant: only 13% of founding teams include female members, with an even lower percentage of female founders at just 7%. In top Web3 startups, women make up 27% of employees, while only 12% of technical positions are held by women.

The root cause of this phenomenon is both complex and simple. Since the development of Ethereum and Bitcoin, the industry has formed a "fraternity" culture, especially in Asia, where there is still a stereotype that "women are not good at technology." The scarcity of female practitioners leads to a lack of role models, which in turn hinders more women from participating, creating a vicious cycle. One COO revealed that only 3% of the job applications they received were from women.


Herstory approaches from a female perspective, serving women


The goal is to form a community of mutual support for women, inspire women's creative consciousness, and enable them to enter the digital world painlessly and contribute their strength in the friendly environment provided by the community.

1. 项目与GCC和公共物品建设的相关性